Mistress Eva Confirms Her Bali Relocation

Mistress Eva Relocation

Mistress Eva
Mistress Eva

Female Domination session news as Mistress Eva confirms Her relocation to Bali in Asia.


Following six years & in excess of eighty worldwide tours Mistress Eva announces Her semi retirement to Bali with immediate effect. Ms Eva will continue to accept Session requests mostly within Asia & will tour in the region from time to time as well as conduct a select number of global excursions for those that wish to sponsor Her trips. Future details of any planned travel announcements will initially be offered to members of Her web site & subsequently announced on Social media as well as here on Hogspy too. Respectful applications to Serve Mistress Eva in Bali are now being considered which can be made by utilising the direct email address easily found on Her web site & they’re open to novices as well as the more experienced slave & submissive but please note that an advance deposit is always required in order to secure your appointment.

Mistress Eva is an experienced & regarded Dominatrix who, as mentioned, has travelled the world extensively Using & Abusing Her slaves & subs along the way & enjoys a wide variety of scenes & activities when Dominating Her subjects including but not limited to Corporal Punishment, Foot Worship & Degradation to name just a few, check out Mistress Eva’s web site for much more detailed information of Her FemDom preferences or contact Her respectfully to discuss your own particular Kink or scenario should it not be mentioned. Chastity Training with key holding & extended lock ups are also possible as too are Financial Domination arrangements for slaves & subs seeking a more ongoing situation.

Those unable to Serve in person or who simply cannot wait to see Ms Eva in action can apply to join Her members site which is updated frequently with FemDom Clips & Movies & more.

You can find out lots more details & apply to Serve in Bali as well as join the members site, see additional pictures & much more besides via the web site of Mistress Eva

Carmen Rivera Dominates New York City

Carmen Rivera New York Tour

Carmen Rivera
Carmen Rivera

Travel news continues as Carmen Rivera confirms Her FemDom Sessions in New York City.

8th – 14th December 2017

Carmen Rivera hits the road once again soon & embarks on a pre Christmas tour to New York City on the East Coast of America from where She’ll be conducting a limited number of Professional Domination Sessions set to take place during the dates displayed up above. Respectful applications to Serve Ms Rivera during this week long trip can now be applied for by utilising the direct email address found on Her web site & carefully observing the Session request guidelines. FemDom Sessions in the Big Apple are scheduled to run from early in the morning until late in the evening & they’re open to novices as well as the more experienced slave & submissive but please note that you will be required to pay an advance deposit in order to confirm your appointment.

During this New York City tour Carmen Rivera will host Sessions from both a fully equipped Dungeon as well as from a well appointed Hotel in the Queens area, please be clear in any request made as to where you would prefer to be Dominated from which is subject to availability of either being available.

Well worth pointing out too that aside from individual Sessions Carmen Rivera will also undertake various Film & Photo shoots whilst in New York, slaves & subs who are available to offer themselves for such should make this clear in any application sent & be aware that a fee will be required to participate in the shoots.

Mostly located in Berlin & with frequent travel throughout Europe, sometimes further afield, Carmen Rivera is an experienced Dominatrix who enjoys a wide variety of scenes & activities when Dominating Her subjects including Corporal Punishment, Trampling & Pegging to name just a few, check out Carmen Rivera’s web site for more detailed information of Her Session preferences or contact Her directly to discuss your own particular scenario should it not be mentioned. Chastity Training with Key holding is possible as too are Financial Domination arrangements for those looking for a more ongoing situation.

You can find out lots more details & apply to Serve in New York City soon or in Berlin before or afterwards as well as see additional pictures & much more besides via the web site of Carmen Rivera

Miss Victoria Cayne Visits Washington Then Boston

Miss Victoria Cayne Washington & Boston Trips

Miss Victoria Cayne
Miss Victoria Cayne

BDSM Travel news in as Miss Victoria Cayne confirms Her tours to Washington D.C & Boston in the United States of America soon.

November 2017

Miss Victoria Cayne keeps on the move next next month & embarks on a couple of mini Female Domination tours taking in Washington D.C. as well as a return visit to Boston following Her trip there earlier this month Respectful applications to Serve Miss Cayne in either of the aforementioned locations can now be applied for by using the direct email address easily found in the “Contact” section of Her web site & by carefully observing the Session request guidelines. Female Domination Sessions usually run from early until late when Victoria Cayne is on the move & they’re open to novices as well as the more seasoned slave & submissive but please note that you will be required o pay an advance deposit in order to conform your appointment. The approaching tour dates & destinations are confirmed as:

Washington 6th – 8th November 2017

Boston From 13th – 16th November 2017

Please be very clear in any request sent as to where you’re applying to Serve. FemDom Sessions in both locations will be hosted from upscale Hotels. Well worth pointing out too that whilst in Boston Miss Victoria Cayne will be joined by Her close friend & associate namely Ava St Marks & together will be available to be Served in double Domina Sessions, subject to their individual schedules allowing for such. Please be clear in any Boston applications as to the type of experience that you’re seeking.

Mostly located in Philadelphia & with extensive travel throughout the United States of America, sometimes further afield, Miss Victoria Cayne is an experienced Dominatrix who enjoys a wide selection of scenes & activities when Dominating Her subjects including but not limited to Corporal Punishment, Role Play & Foot Worship to name just a few, check out Miss Victoria Cayne’s web site for more detailed information regarding Her Fetish preferences. Chastity Training is also a possibility as too are Financial Domination arrangements for those looking for a more ongoing arrangement.

Slaves & subs unable to Serve in person but who want to see Miss Victoria Cayne in action can download Her FemDom Clips & Movies courtesy of various different outlets, links for which can easily be found on Her site.

You can find out lots more details & apply to be Dominated in Washington D.C. soon or double Dominated in Boston as well as see additional pictures & more via Miss Victoria Cayne’s web site

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