Remembering Coral By Michelle Lacy

Rest In Peace Coral Korrupt

It is with much sadness that the Fetish world mourns the passing of Ms Coral Korrupt one of the true greats of the modern FemDom era. Coral will be sorely missed by so many both inside & outside the Female Domination scene. A regular here on Hogspy over many years, including Her tour to Los Angeles for double Domination Sessions with Goddess Lexi Sindel & a truly professional Mistress who was always a pleasure to have dealings with & one who gave so much to the FemDom community both on & offline. We salute you Ms Coral Korrupt, rest in peace.

Coral Korrupt
Coral Korrupt

The following appears courtesy Mistress Michelle Lacy who was a close friend of Corals’ & is taken from a posting made elsewhere & reproduced with Michelle Lacy’s kind permission.

“I have only slept an hour and I just gave up trying for now.

I would like to take this time to write a little Eulogy of sorts, and a thank you. (Apologies in advance as I am running on no sleep and still a bit emotional).

I cannot sit here and write a eulogy in what I feel would I feel would be the way you all need it to be, someone who knew Coral from her beginnings until her final day. I am writing it from someone who has known Coral online only for many years as a friend, and has only met her a few years ago. I will do the best that I can.

Coral passed away at around 1:55am, June 9th 2015. Whether you loved her to pieces or she got under your skin and made your blood boil, no doubt this sassy, fierce, in-your-face woman in some way she has made an impact on many people in our industry/scene, and in her personal life.

Coral Korrupt was a well known dominatrix in the Philly scene, and it wasn’t long before her reputation spread. She was determined, true to herself, and did things her way. If you didn’t like it, tough cookies. This gorgeous tattooed blonde who was extremely photogenic and made many men and women fall instantly in love with her, was sure to be a success.

Coral Korrupt
Coral Korrupt

Just like all of us, “Coral Korrupt” was only one layer of the many facets that made up who she was. The same Coral who could kick a submissive collared man into the dirt, would also help a friend in need. She loved and rescued animals and was a big fan of exotic pets, having ferrets, skunks, and tarantulas besides cats and many more animals. She was spiritual and we would have long discussions about our beliefs. (Now that Coral publicly posted it everywhere, I can say it) Coral always believed she was a medium. She believed in the afterlife, and she said she spoke to the dead. This was why she wasn’t too afraid of passing on.

Coral Korrupt and I have had some wild times together that are unforgettable, sick and twisted in the best way possible. I have stories that I could only share on a place such as Max Fisch. When Coral first met me, she thought I was sweet and innocent. That was, until she saw me at the first Balls to the Wall party I had where I erected what some people here know as “the dildo tree.” The rest was history, and we made a lot of subs in Florida scarred for life, or super happy. I don’t really know.

The thing we liked about spending time together, was that we could do things that did not involve BDSM, despite it being both of our full time jobs. We could get into trouble or have fun times anywhere. We turned a walk down the street into an adventure. Everything was a fun time when we were together. While we were two different people in some ways, we connected on this humorous, adventurous, wild level that I just can’t put into words.

Coral Korrupt
Coral Korrupt

We all have a time in our lives when nothing seems to go right and we need a change. For Coral Korrupt, moving to South Florida was that change. A beam bum, nature lover, lover of the sun, it was the perfect place for her to give herself a fresh start.

She had just moved into a large home and was beginning to get comfortable down here when she had to cancel a Balls to the Wall party due to being too sick with something that was coming and going for a few months now.

After medication did not work, and a few more tests, what doctors thought was something else, turned out to be uterine cancer, and at stage 3. Imagine being 30-31 years old and getting news like that?

You would have thought Coral would have been a wreck, and there were times when she understandably was, but she fought. She fought and had so much hope that there was a possibility she could get through this. She had no family down here, and only a few friends, but we all pitched in and did the best we could. Subs, people she didn’t even know, Dommes, people began helping her, when funds were not even created yet. She had an out-pouring of support like I’ve never seen. It was really wonderful and meant so much to her.

After finishing chemo and radiation, I took Coral to Key West for her 32nd birthday with one of her girlfriends, (who now thanks to Coral is a friend of mine). It was the most magical weekend, just absolutely perfect. We slept on a boat, we got her friend over her life-long fear of swimming in deep water due to a childhood accident, and we were not only able to get her into the ocean, but to snorkel. When her friend looked into the water for the first time and saw all these fish, she cried and the three of us were just hugging in the water and crying together. We drank, and walked around, and goofed off, and ate delicious seafood. One of Coral’s birthday wishes was to hear from her estranged father who she hasn’t spoken to in years and hadn’t seen in over 12 years. As if he heard her say that, he called her while she was in the backseat of my car, the night of her birthday. My heart exploded when I heard her voice go up a few octaves and quiver as her eyes filled up with tears and she simply said “Dad?!?!?!?!??!?!” This was by far, one of the most surreal and beautiful weekends of my entire life.

Coral Korrupt

Two months later I was in the Dominican Republic at Domme Trips. While there I was hit with tragic news. The first was that my personal slave back home was unresponsive and missing, and when I came back home it turned out he had a stroke which eventually lead to his death. The second bit of bad news, was that Coral’s scan came back that her cancer had progressed. I was in total paradise but never wanted to be home so bad.

For Coral, this was a tragic turning point for her.

She was determined to fight and she tried everything she could.

Many people (who I will thank below) have visited Coral throughout this time, and even since day 1. Friends. Slaves/subs. Family. They have helped her from taking her to appointments to taking her to fun excursions, to taking her to chemotherapy appointments, to simply staying with her overnight if she needed to feel safe. The support was tremendous, and if Lexi Sindel did not set up her funds despite her kicking and screaming when everyone else tried, and without the support from those funds she would not have been able to try so many cures out there, let alone, live in her home. (I will get to everyone I can later).

Coral Korrupt was not even sad when she lost her hair. “I used to shave my head anyway before I became a Domme and had to look all super feminine and shit. Look!” and she’d show me photos of her looking hot as hell with a shaved head. She rocked it.

She started wearing fanny packs as they were easier for her to carry things in than her purse. She had lost a lot of weight and tired easily. Coral couldn’t just have any fanny pack. She had to wear a leather studded one. She bought me one and we said if she made it we were going to go “fanny-packing through Europe.”

The next few months, Coral’s health was one hit of bad luck after another. Her chemo in November had given her a lot of brain damage. During this time she lashed out at a lot of people and confused friends and family didn’t know why. It was a struggle to figure it all out. A lot of it healed over time thankfully, but she was struck with shingles, bronchitis, mini strokes. She never got a break.

Coral was so brave. She was the bravest person I ever met. Sadly despite her bravery, she was suffering. She was suffering so badly. She did not want to suffer anymore. She knew her time was soon. I guess you just know.

During this time, something incredible had happened. Coral’s friend Danielle (who went with us to key west) was able to find her father, and to make a long story short, was able to fly him to be with Coral. They saw each other for the first time in a long time and he moved in with her. He stayed by her side, taking care of her non-stop. She needed that love and care. A lot of us backed off so she could just spend quality time with him.

Coral’s wishes were to pass over to the other side, while at home in her own bed, no home hospice care, no ambulances if something went wrong, no hospitals.

I went to see her yesterday with my fiance. She was coherent but tired. I called whoever she needed us to call. I texted whoever she needed us to text. We tried touching base with family rushing to get on flights. We spoke to her. Held her hand. I read her a poem someone sent me to read to her.

At some point, Cheyenne was able to come and she stayed with us. Her father and the three of us took turns being by her side and emotionally supporting each other. She was so comfortable, in her bed, her every need taken care of.

When we least expected it, and perhaps it was the perfect way, Coral left us peacefully in her sleep, Cheyenne and I sitting there beside her, my fiance on the floor, her father standing watching over her.

At 5:45am I had to say my goodbyes again, my final ones. Hours ago we were talking. Only a few short hours ago she was squeezing our hand in her sleep. I laid down next to her and kissed her head. Still gorgeous.

She wanted to make a video, and we tried, but her health was declining so fast, it would have been a bad idea and heartbreaking to show her that way. Coral wanted her video to say that she fought hard and long and it was her time. She can’t go through this anymore. She wanted to tell people to not worry about her as there IS an afterlife. She wants people to donate in her name if they wish to organizations that benefit ocean conservation or animal rescue. If you smell roses where there are no roses, that means she is with you.

A poem Coral’s ex wrote for me to read to her:

As she stands beside the ocean with a sundress on,

And a hand full of wishes for the waves as they crash ashore,

I watch the sunlight kiss her face, almost delicately.

She tosses them in,

One by one,

And I am reminded that I’ve never seen

Anything more beautiful than her,

Up on her tip-toes,

Leaning into the wind,

Too much for this world to let her stay

too long.

Coral, you WERE too much for this world.

Coral & Michelle
Coral Korrupt & Michelle Lacy

Tomorrow is my birthday. My wish is for Coral to be at peace. I want to personally thank a lot of people:

First, Cheyenne & J.

Her and her husband have been like surrogate parents to Coral. They have been there since day 1 up until her last breath last night. I could not have held it together last night if it wasn’t for her. They were both there for Coral’s mother and father. Her phone calls of never ending support really have been incredible for me. I cannot say enough good things about the kind acts that they have done, and the things Cheyenne had planned to do before things went south, such as a clip store for Coral with donated clips from women across the world. She was always thinking, and always taking care of her, calling others to make sure she was taken care of when she had to leave town.

Lexi Sindel (and Jenni Fishnets too)

I may not have met you if it wasn’t for Coral. You came in and took her out and showed her what it was like to have fun again. You both took care of her and comforted her. You took her to see all of those baby animals at the zoo, you knew she would love that. You even surprised her with her friend Jenni Fishnets, bringing her into town with you! She was so happy when you did that. You endlessly tried to help and figure out what to do, and when she had brain damage, you helped me try to figure out what was wrong. You set up her funds knowing she needed them when everyone else just gave into her not wanting them. THANK YOU for doing what needed to be done. She knew after they were up, it was what was needed. Even when times were really tough and she wasn’t easy to deal with, you always cared and asked about her. You’ve let me vent on the phone for hours late at night. You helped me laugh and try to make things make sense for me, when nothing seemed to make any sense.

Lydia Supremecy

You came down to stay with Coral in her time of need and I finally got to meet you. Coral spoke so highly of you. You helped her smile and brought her so much joy. When she was in a very bad place and being very difficult, despite how hard it was, you went with me to help her pack up her home that night. You always checked in on how she was. You did what was needed, regardless of how crazy things had been. You always called me to check in on her. You always cared. I will always cherish all the support you gave Coral and myself.

Irene Boss, Lydia Lamour, Natalya Sadici, Kendra James and G, Veronica Bastille, Maitresse Renee, every sub on this entire board, and so many more Mistresses

You all have offered me words of wisdom, encouragement and asked how you can help, even if it wasn’t with Coral Korrupt, but with me having a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to. You don’t know how much that meant knowing I could text or call someone in the middle of the night. Natalya, you have been a daily source of smiles, and a wonderful human being. Truly. Lydia, you helped me laugh so much. Veronica, thanks for your wonderful words today. I miss you so much.

Jerry (BiJerry)

Know that Coral was just upset with the world with the bad hand she was dealt, and sometimes she said things she didn’t mean. She had no filter when she was well, and she definitely had no filter at the end of her life. Jerry you have been an immense support for her. You have taken care of her, painted her dungeon when she was sick and she still wanted to try to work, taken her out of the house, and have done so much for her. You cleaned for her. Helped her with everything. You are the most selfless man I know. Throughout everything no matter how hard, you have cared for her unconditionally, and that speaks volumes of who you are as a person. Mistress Trish is a very lucky woman to have you as her sub. I love you J. Thanks for our talks and all of the love.

Coral Korrupt.
Coral Korrupt.

Subs/Slaves on MF, Mistresses, anyone who donated funds, retweeted her funds:

So many of you here donated to Coral’s fund and messaged me privately. I cannot place the MF names with the donation names, as most are anonymous. Know it is because of you that Coral Korrupt has been able to stay in a sunny and cheery house rather than move into a crammed dingy cheap apartment. It is because of your donations, that she has been able try every cure she could. It is because of you that she could have the things happen in her life that she wouldn’t have been able to. THANK YOU.

To a special person peeking in here, I will call “VSmurf”

Thank you for going above and beyond. Most of all, for showing someone who thought she could not be loved during this time, what true love truly is. For never running away, no matter what. For keeping me together.

(This sounds bad and unprofessional, and I have not really slept yet, but Mistress, your name escapes me. Can someone help me out?) There is a wonderful Mistress in New Orleans. She dedicated her 5K run proceeds to helping Ms Coral Korrupt. I met her at Domcon and she was just the most wonderful woman. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.


My wonderful slave who came over to make sure I was still sane and brought me all of this sweet stuff and iced coffee a few hours ago to make sure I was eating. Thank you for your never-ending help and support. You helped me so much and Coral so much. You helped us move her. She thought very highly of you. I do too. You are always there for me.

Spanko Sal

As always, your never ending support is appreciated. Thank you for all the worrying you do that you think I hate. I never hate it.


For always spreading the word for her funds and being such a big support.


For writing to me about posting in her memory and checking up on me.


For your comforting words, always.


There are no words for me to say other than everything you did last night at Coral’s and everything you’ve done every day since we met 6 years ago is why I’m marrying you.

(I am missing a ton of people, but I need to go to her home and help with some things right now. Please do not be offended. I’m surprised I was even able to get down what I did above).

Contact & more information can be found on the Mistress Michelle Lacy web site

Simone Justice Dominates New York

Simone Justice New York Tour News

Simone Justice
Simone Justice

Travel news as Mistress Simone Justice confirms Sessions in New York City.

May & June 2015

Simone Justice hits the road & heads to the East Coast from where She’ll be conducting Female Domination Sessions both this month & next & respectful applications to Serve Her whilst in the Big Apple can now be Submitted via Her recently launched new web site which contains a direct email address along with specific guidance on how to apply. FemDom Sessions with Mistress Justice usually run from early until late & are open to beginners as well as the more experienced slave & submissive but please note that you may be required to pay an advance deposit in order to confirm your appointment. The up & coming New York City Session dates are confirmed as follows:

27th – 28th – 30th May 2015

24th through until 28th June 2015

Well worth mentioning too that double Domination Session are possible during both New York City visits where Mistress Simone Justice will be joined by Mistress Troy & Troy Orleans (Similar name, different Dommes) in the month of May & by Domina M during next month. Individual Domination Sessions will be possible with all the aforementioned Dominatrices, subject to their own schedules allowing for such, please be clear in any request sent as to the exact date that you wish to be Used & Abused on & whether you’re seeking a singular or double Domina expereince.

Mostly located in Los Angeles on the West Coast of the United States but with frequent travel within America, sometimes further afield Mistress Justice Simone is an experienced Dominatrix who enjoys a wide variety of different types of scene & activity in the Dungeon which includes but isn’t limited to Corporal Punishment, Verbal Humiliation & Cock & Ball Torture to name just a few. Chastity Training along with Key holding & extended lock ups is also a possibility with Mistress Justice for those seeking a more ongoing arrangement & pre arranged Financial Domination or FinDom opportunities are also an option during these New York City trips for those seeking to be Dominated outside the Dungeon environment.

Telephone Chatlines Domination as well as Webcam Humiliation & Abuse is also possible with Simone Justice for those slaves & subs unable to Serve in person or who simply cannot wait to be in Her presence & are carried out through the ever popular Niteflirt network, further details & links for which can easily be found on Her site.

You can find out more information, apply to Serve in New York both this month & next as well as in Los Angeles at most other times, be Dominated on Chatlines & Webcam & lots more besides via the Simone Justice web site

Mistress Tia Dominates Slaves In London

Mistress Tia London Tour News

Latest News With Mistress Tia On Hogspy Today.
Mistress Tia

The Summer Female Domination & BDSM touring news continues as Mistress Tia confirms Sessions in London in England soon.

11th – 15th June 2015

Mistress Tia hits the road yet again with new confirmed FemDom Session dates scheduled to take place in the English Capital City of London during the  days displayed up above. Polite applications to Serve Mistress Tia in London can now be applied for but please keep in mind that you may be required to pay an advance deposit in order to confirm your appointment which are open to beginners as well as the more experienced slave & submissive & usually run from mid morning until late in the evening when Mistress Tia is on Her travels.

Aside from Female Domination Sessions during the London trip Mistress Tia will be conducting a number of Film & Photo shoots & suitable Film slaves & submissives for such are now being considered. You should of course be of legal age in order to apply & will be required to sign a Model release form on the day of the shoot, only genuine & reliable applicants are sought & those with some previous FemDom Filming expereince will be given priority. A variety of different FemDom themes & activities are scheduled for the shoots & those wishing to be used on Film can now respectfully apply by email but please ensure that you keep your communication brief & precise.

Latest News With Mistress Tia On Hogspy Today.
Mistress Tia

Mostly located in the Midlands of England but with frequent travel to London & various other parts of the Country, Ms Tia is an expepreinced Dominatrix who enjoys a whole host of different types of Female Domination Session when Dominating her subjects which includes but isn’t limited to Butt Worship Corporal Punishment & Verbal Humiliation to name just a few. Chastity Training along with Key holding & extended lock ups is also possible with Mistress Tia for those slaves & subs seeking a more continual arrangement. During this London trip Mistress Tia will consider Financial Domination requests such as pre arranged Shopping excursions, Dinner dates & other forms of non Dungeon based activities, contact Mistress Tia respectfully with any  proposal for such & please keep in mind that a deposit for FinDom requests is always required.

Those not fortunate enough to Serve Dominatrix Tia in a realtime Session can apply to be Dominated on the telephone by way of Her personal Chatlines, details for which can be obtained directly from Her & other forms of Distance Training may well be possible too.

You can find out more information, apply for a FemDom Session as well as apply to be used as a Filming slave by email or by telephone the details for which can easily be found by following Mistress Tia on Twitter

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