Mistress Tia Speaks Out On Her Newspaper Scandal

Mistress Tia Village Hall Update

Mistress Tia
Mistress Tia

Female Domination news from Mistress Tia concerning the Village Hall story which hit National headlines a short while back.

As many Hogspy readers will know Mistress Tia appeared in National as well as International Newspapers as well as the Mail Online after having hired a Village Hall to conduct a photo shoot which was subsequently leaked to the press, there was a bit of a fuss made by the local community after they found out the exact nature of the shoot the result being a ban for Mistress Tia’s further use of the Hall & wide coverage.

Mistress Tia has contacted Hogspy as She wanted to put the record straight on a couple of issues concerning the Village Hall story, please note that the following wording is exactly as received here at Hogspy & was written by Mistress Tia Herself.

“When the papers first contacted me about the village hall I was surprised that people where so interested in it, and me. It’s just a load of small minded busy bodies with nothing better to do other than get involved with other peoples business!

I never deceived the people I hired the village hall off, they asked me what it was being used for and I told them for a photo shoot, they never asked what type of shoot, when someone books somewhere for a party they don’t specify what type of party do they? The people I hired the hall off where quite happy to receive the £30 a time I paid for it and actually they made the mistake as they admitted they were not supposed to hire it out for commercial use, only they did as they wanted the money in their pockets!

The person who first went to the papers about me probably thought I’d be unhappy about it all, it could not be further from the truth, I’ve had so much great publicity from it all, my website memberships have shot up, I’m inundated with sessions and business is booming as they say!

I’ve had so much support, really I should send that person who thought they were damaging me a big bunch if flowers and a thank you card!

I couldn’t believe it when the story went in all the national papers! I sold the story myself then and did a great shoot and interview for the Sunday and Monday sport, and also the womens magazine reveal, the reveal one has not been printed yet so that still to come. It then went international which was just amazing! I’ve found I have so many loyal fans and followers it really does make you feel good”

You can find out lots more via the Twitter account of Mistress Tia

Mistress & Dominatrix Latex Catsuit Pictures

Latex Catsuit

Susan Wayland Catsuit
Susan Wayland
Mistress Absolute Catsuit
Mistress Absolute
Ancillia Tilia
Ancillia Tilia
Lexi Sindel Catsuit
Lexi Sindel
Bianca Beauchamp Catsuit
Bianca Beauchamp
Lady Seductress
Lady Seductress
Mistress Sidonia Von Bork Catsuit
Mistress Sidonia Von Bork
Rebekka Raynor
Rebekka Raynor
Mistress Valkyrie Catsuit
Mistress Valkyrie

There’s no doubt Scarlett Johansson looks fantastic in Her Catsuit in the new Iron Man 2 movie out soon on general release at all good Cinemas. This got Hogspy thinking about the FemDom & Fetish World & how popular the Latex Catsuit is in all its various styles & colors. Catsuits have long been part of many a Mistresses wardrobe & continue to be as popular today as they’ve always been & not just with Dominatrices but also often adopted by the entertainment industry especially the Film & Music businesses.

Whether accompanied by high Heels or Thigh length Boots everyone has their favourite Latex Catsuit look. Corsets are often also worn with a Catsuit & Hoods & Masks are sometimes a feature too.

After trawling the internet for days & contacting some of the biggest names in the FemDom scene from London & across the world we’ve put together some of the best photos of Mistresses & Dominatrices wearing Catsuits in a variety of styles & different colours with various different styles of Foot wear too.

Hogspy would like to thank all the Fetish Models & Mistresses for their cooperation in putting together this Latex Catsuit photo feature which we’re certain all our readers will enjoy.

You can find out more about all the Mistresses & Models featured by visiting their respective web sites including  Susan Wayland via Her site & Mistress Absolute on Her site Search Online for pictures & info about Ancillia Antilia. More on Lexi Sindel can be seen on  the FemDom Empire web site & you can  get further details about Bianca Beauchamp by searching the net. Alternatively check out the web site of Lady Seductress (Now retired) More on Mistress Sidonia Von Bork can be seen on the English Mansion web site & the Rebekka Raynor web site has more details about Her. Finally Mistress Valkyrie does not have a web site & is retired.

Check our article too featuring Mistresses & Dominatrices with Motorbikes

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